oooh neferpitou
this got real
oooh neferpitou
this got real
Thank you! ;D
if its been a long time since youve been here, then welcome back
magnificent piece, this is
(i feel like yoda now)
this is a good sequel to your previous shantae
im glad to have read that you had perverted shantae in your previous post's author comment
now im wishing to see your perverted shantae
oh do you know? well I got something for ya then
and now there are....other things that claim ownership of that day (trans)
they are greedy they want more days for themselves, the actual trans day is not enought
cool Zoid ya got
love the mechanical details
(to be pronounced with heavy accent)
"In capitalist countries, government fucks you
In soviet Russia, You get fucked by government"
[Disclaimer : lack of distinction in the russia reversal is totally intentional]
you are still doing your comic?
it feel like its been a long time since ive heard of it
i think last time i heard of it, the chapter was about a sports girl?
thank you for fighting the good fight
good graphic support a flash, bad ones are NOT for the better. Humor about crap is not humor at all.
Age 38, Male
what i am doing
high class (i wish)
Joined on 6/26/06